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This picture contains license to practice Naprapathy



Lots of people are suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain. It is responsible for decreasing quality of life, increasing financial burden both on system and people. There are lots of modalities that could be used to treat chronic musculoskeletal pain. One of the practices to treat these conditions is Naprapathy. It is a common practice in the Nordic countries, Spain and in some states in the United States.

Naprapathy founded in 1907 in the United States by Dr. Oakley Smith. He rejected the “subluxation-theory” which was leading theory to explain pain and disability in manual therapies at that time. The word Naprapathy is consist of two parts; A Czech part, ‘Naprava’ means correction and Greek suffix ‘Pathos’ means suffering. Combined, the word refers to practitioners who aim to correct the cause of their patient’s suffering.

Naprapathy is a system of treatment by manipulation of connective tissue and adjoining structures (as ligaments, joints, and muscles). Also, It helps patients through dietary measures to facilitate the recuperative and regenerative processes of the body. It is a practice that focus on fixing the shortened and changed connective tissue which is believed to be the source of lots of neuromusculoskeletal issues. There are evidences to show the efficacy of the Naprapathy in treatment of chronic back and neck pain as well as other musculoskeletal issues.

Some of my colleagues and I decided to start this profession in Canada. Most of us obtained proper training abroad in order to achieve this goal. York College of Naprapathic Medicine is going to offer 4 year campus based Naprapathic Medicine program in Canadian soil in near future. Also, Canadian Naprapathic Association (CNA) just started its operation nationwide and its goal is to regulate the profession and protect the public.

I would recommend you to ask for Naprapathy in your next visit. I’m posting my license to practice Naprapathy in this post. Stay well and aligned.